Happy Anniversary Olicon

1988 – 2018

Olicon celebrated its 30th Anniversary in 2018. Established in March 1998, as Oliver-Walker Company, we have seen many changes in the Dallas landscape, as well as, in our own company. Much has happened in 30 years.

Our business has grown, our customer base changed, but our mission to provide quality work, trust and honesty has not changed. This is to be credited to the many great employees and principles, past and present, whose commitment to excellence has made Olicon an exceptional business.

I have watched as our children were born, grew and graduated on to lives of their own. I have seen employees grow and develop, and some move on to form businesses of their own. I have said goodbye to many through retirement, and unfortunately, to many through death.

A successful business is a family. You must learn to accept, nurture, discipline, and encourage your employees, just like you would a family member. You must learn to let go, to allow them to seek their own destiny. But not matter what, you must provide unconditional love. A business is no better than its employees. They are the lifeblood of the organization.

To all of our employees, past and present, I thank you so much for your diligence and hard work in making Olicon a success. I also thank you for trusting my leadership.

A company cannot survive without business, and to all of our customers, past and present, I thank you. I thank you for taking a chance by hiring a new company and for trusting us with your business. I hope that we have always served you well. We may not be perfect, and sometimes we may fail, but we always strive to do the right thing.

And finally, no project can build itself. It takes a team and leadership. To all of our loyal subcontractors and suppliers, architects, engineers, and consultants, thank you for a job well done. We could never have achieved success without you.

If I could have one wish for this company and the remainder of my life on this earth, it would be to see the 50th anniversary of this company. So here is to the future and those who will come and lead us to that goal.

Best Regards,

David C. Oliver


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